Pillars Academic Scholarship

Two Full-Tuition Awards

Southwestern College’s merit-based award recognizes two students who demonstrate outstanding academic abilities. The Pillars Academic scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship (renewable for four years if criteria are met) awarded to students who we believe will make Southwestern College a stronger, more vibrant intellectual community.

The Pillars Academic Scholarship is named for the four pillars of the iconic Christy Administration Building located at the top of the scenic 77 Steps. They represent the four values extolled in the college’s Alma Mater: Knowledge, Hope, Courage, and Freedom.

Finalists will receive invitations to participate in the competition.  The competition consists of a timed essay and an interview with faculty/staff members.  Each finalist who competes on campus will receive a renewable $1,000 scholarship.  Two finalists will be selected, based on the outcome of the essay and interview, to receive a renewable full-tuition scholarship for four years.


ARE YOU: An engaged learner? Intellectually and creatively adventurous? A top student?

DO YOU: Demonstrate viewpoints, experiences, or academic interests beyond the usual?

HAVE YOU: Been a High School Honor Student? Been honored as a Superintendent’s Honor Roll and/or National Honor Society Member? Received significant recognition for academic achievement?

Pillars Academic Requirements

2025 Application

2025 Pillars Academic Scholarship Application


Personal Education
It’s impossible to get lost at Southwestern, either in or out of the classroom. We are committed to helping you explore and discern your purpose.

Academic Excellence
From introductory courses to advanced seminars, classes at Southwestern are taught by professors with extensive experience in their respective fields. SC faculty combine a love of scholarship with a love for teaching– you will have access to these supportive mentors from your first day on campus.

Engagement in the World
How will you engage with the world from a campus situated in a small Kansas community? Through service-learning, internships, academic travel, and an intentional focus on building a global perspective.

More Than a Major
Being a Moundbuilder means academic strength, but it’s also about leadership development. You will grow through your involvement – whether it be in athletics, music, a nationally recognized service-learning program, or an academic club – truly, countless opportunities exist across campus.

Holistic Experience
In your life, you will have a successful career but you will also be part of a family, a community, a church, volunteer experiences, and countless other important facets of life. At SC student learning and growth focuses on all elements of a meaningful life.

Build a life

Build a life

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