Upcoming Shows

Over the Garden Wall | A Student Adaptation

“Over the Garden Wall” is a musical adapted from the American animated television miniseries created by Patrick McHale for Cartoon Network. The musical centers on two half-brothers who travel across a mysterious forest in order to find their way home, encountering odd and wonderful things on their journey.  SC students Ryan Pangracs and Aidan Wells Filbert are the creators of the musical adaptation.  Pangracs adapted the script and Wells Filbert adapted and wrote the music.  According to director Allyson Moon, the subject matter of the show makes it ideal entertainment for the entire family. 

The cast members for the musical are: William Wade as Wirt; Sam Beck as Greg; Jennifer Warren as Beatrice; Jack Warring as Woodsman, Narrator, and Beast; Emma Bate as Adelaide and Toymaker; Creek Love as Jason Funderberker and Jimmy B; Tomunci Whitfield as Enoch, Highwayman, and North Wind; Addison Praytor as Beast; Hannah Breshears as Sara and Tavern Keeper; Albanee Garcia as Lorna; Brant Cotta as Endicott and Mr. Langtree; Maya Damron as Auntie Whispers; Jessica Burk as Mrs. Langtree; Brynn Hampton as Margueritte Grey; and Abby Domann as Queen of the Clouds. 

Donate & Reserve Tickets Online

Admittance to the show is free of charge, but a suggested donation of $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, and $6 students. For more information or to reserve tickets, call (620) 221-7720, (620) 229-6272, or email

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