Upcoming Shows

9-LIVES Comedy Troupe: Community Show

Southwestern College’s Nine Lives Laughatorium and Good Times Improvisational Comedy Troupe will team up with Snark Side of the Moon Comedy Troupe to perform a community show on Friday, Feb. 7, from 7 to 8 p.m. in Messenger Recital Hall in the Darbeth Fine Arts Center.  The public is invited to attend and there is no admission charge. 

9 Lives LogoThe theme of the hour-long event is Halftime Show.

“We are planning on having some fun visual things happen,” says troupe director Allyson Moon.  “In the spirit of the Super Bowl, we will have lighting effects, fog, and music from our pep band, The Band-its. The players will be introduced in the spirit of an athletic event.  This show is improv meets athletics. And, of course, there will be candy.”

Moon adds that the show is designed with families and members of the greater Southwestern College, Winfield, and Cowley community in mind. The content is rated G.

Performers from Nine Lives include John Moberly, Jamelle Sanchez, RJ Mader, and Grace Whisenhant. Performers from Snark Side of the Moon include Charles McKinzie, Meg Calvin, Joel Wilke, Liam Cunningham, and Chris Rogers.

One of the games that they will play is called Props Challenge. Audience members are invited to bring fun props like a stuffed animal, a pool noodle, or any other kind of crazy prop is encouraged. Props will be returned to their owners at the end of the show.

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