Is College Worth It?


News reports over the past few years have painted a gloomy picture of the cost of college and the job market that awaits new college graduates.

But according to a May 2014 story in The New York Times, college is still the best option for lifetime financial security. In the story, David Leonhardt reports the following results from an analysis of U.S. Department of Labor statistics:

Americans with four-year college degrees made 98% more an hour on average in 2013 than people without a degree.

Citing an article by MIT economist David Autor on the lifetime earnings of college graduates versus those who do not have a college degree, Leonhardt concludes, “Over the long run, college is cheaper than free. Not going to college will cost you about half a million dollars.”

The unemployment rate in April [2014] for people between 25 and 34 years old with a bachelor’s degree was a mere 3 percent.

But you’ll need a plan.

So college is worth it, but to earn your degree and prepare for life after graduation, you'll need to have a plan and a partner that helps you work the plan. That’s where Southwestern College comes in. With small classes and faculty who will mentor you as you plan for a career or advanced study, the college provides excellent support and guidance for you. Internships, advice about graduate school admission, and help in preparing for your job search are all available to you.

How do our graduates say we’re doing?

Each year, Southwestern College surveys its recent graduates from the previous year to find what they’re doing and how well-prepared they were for the next steps in their lives. Over the period from 2008-2013 – a very difficult period for the American economy – a little under half of the recent graduates were pursuing graduate degrees, and a little more than half were employed. Very few survey respondents during this period – under 5% - reported being neither employed nor enrolled in further studies.

2013 respondents to the recent graduates survey reported that their overall satisfaction with SC’s role in preparing them for advanced degrees or careers was 3.3, right between “satisfied” and “highly satisfied” on a 4 point scale. Those who were in graduate programs were especially satisfied with the preparation they had received at Southwestern, giving their satisfaction a rating of 3.56 on a scale where 4 is “highly satisfied.”

Build an education.

Build an education.

Academic excellence sets SC apart.

36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.