Upcoming Events

2019 Founders Weekend

Founders Weekend is a great opportunity to celebrate the many things that make Southwestern unique and outstanding.

The 2019 Founders Weekend will celebrate outstanding Moundbuilders with induction into four Halls of Fame:

  • Business Hall of Fame
  • Educators Hall of Fame
  • FIne Arts Hall of Fame
  • Leaders in Service Hall of Fame for the Social Sciences

Ongoing (Thursday to Sunday)

Graduate English Classes Writing Research, President’s Gallery

Thursday, April 11

4:00 p.m. Honor's Convocation, Richardson Performing Arts Center

Friday, April 12

2:00 p.m. The Shaping of Leaders: Women’s Voices, Cheryl Rude, Mossman 101

4:00 p.m. Introduction to the Kopke Bible, Rev. Ben Hanne, Mossman 101
Rev. Ben Hanne will present a talk on the historical significance of this 1611 Geneva version of the Bible. His talk will cover how this edition shaped later versions of the Bible, the English language, Shakespeare, and much more.

5:30 p.m.  Leaders in Service Hall of Fame for the Social Sciences unveiling of plaques followed by dinner & induction ceremony, Deets Library.  $20/person, limited seating, RSVP necessary to

2019 Inductees

  • C. Michael Lennen ’67
  • Stephanie Sharp Bruyn ’98
  • J. Michael Medina ’72

7:00 p.m. Luke Nicolay '16 Organ Recital, Richardson Performing Arts Center

Saturday, April 13

8:00 a.m.  Business Hall of Fame breakfast, Deets Library. $15/person, limited seating, RSVP necessary to

9:00 a.m.  Business Hall of Fame induction ceremony, Richardson Performing Arts Center and is open to the public with no reservations needed.

2019 Inductees

  • Larry Ewart ’73
  • Cory Helmer ’99

2019 Business Builder Award Recipient

  • Graves Drug

10:00 a.m.  Fine Arts Hall of Fame brunch, Deets Library. $15/person, limited seating, RSVP necessary to

11:00 a.m.  Fine Arts Hall of Fame induction ceremony, Richardson Performing Arts Center and is open to the public with no reservations needed.

2019 Inductees

  • Dr. James Leland
  • George Jason Johnston ’69
  • Virginia (Stubbs) Spray ’33

12:45 p.m.  Educators Halls of Fame luncheon, Deets Library. $20/person, limited seating, RSVP necessary to

1:30 p.m.  Educators Halls of Fame induction ceremony, Deets Library. No charge, but to insure adequate seating, your RSVP to is appreciated.

2019 Inductees

  • Dr. Gary King ’63
  • Judy (Martin) Haynes ’67
  • Dr. Janet Doud ’16

6:00 p.m.  Founders Weekend President's Dinner, Roy L. Smith Dining Hall, by invitation only.

7:30 p.m. A Cappella Concert, Richardson Performing Arts Center

Sunday, April 14

5:00 p.m. Cultural Cuisine, Stewart Field House

For more information on Founders Weekend events, call 620.222.1135.

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