Dedication of First Building

Dedication of the College Building
March 28, 1888

The event of the year consisted in the Dedicatory Exercises, which occurred on Wednesday, the 28th day of March [1888]. The large Assembly Room was filled to its utmost capacity at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. After an earnest and appropriate prayer by Rev. T. S. Hodgson, Presiding Elder of theWinfield District, the College Chorus, under the direction of Mrs. Ella G. Earp, rendered Rossini's "The God of Israel." The students' welcome was delivered by Miss Mamie Fink in a very tasteful address. Col. H. M. Greene, Superintendent of the State Imbecile Asylum, then read an elegant poem suitable to the occasion. By reason of change in the time-table of the A. T. & S. F. R. R., Bishop Bowman, who was to have been present, failed to arrive until after the close of the afternoon's exercises. Chancellor Lippincott, of the State University, was present and made a short but very admirable address. The building was formally dedicated by Rev. D. W. Phillips, D.D., pastor of College Hill M.E. Church, Wichita, and president of the Board of Trustees.

North Hall Photo

The following distinguished visitors were present: Chancellor J. A. Lippincott, LL. D.; Dr. D. W. Phillips, Wichita; Rev. C. W. Currier, Winfield; James Hill, Arkansas City; Rev. J. D. Botkin, Presiding Elder Wichita District; Rev. T. S. Hodgson, Presiding Elder Winfield District; Rev. A. Hoffman, St. John; Rev. S. E. Pendleton, D. D., Presiding Elder Atchison District; Rev. B. C. Swarts, Presiding Elder Newton District; Rev H. Waitt, Presiding Elder McPherson District; Rev. W. J. Martindale, Newton; Rev. E. H. Vaughan, Ph. D., College Hill, Winfield; Rev. S. W. Pierson, Winfield; Rev. Jas. M. Romine, Winfield; Rev. N. S. Buckner, Anthony; Dr. H. M. Greene, Winfield; Rev. J. T. Hanna, Winfield; Rev. J. H. Snyder, Winfield; Rev. M. L. Gates, M.D., Wichita.

In the evening a large audience assembled at the new Opera House and listened to an address by Bishop Thomas Bowman. It was an occasion long to be remembered, and the friends of the College were especially gratified to receive a visit from our venerable land honored senior bishop.

The Winfield Donation

One of the conditions on which the Conference located the College at Winfield was that the citizens of this city and county should contribute in money, for the erection of a suitable building, the sum of $40,000. Toward meeting this obligation the following sums have been paid by the subscribers, whose names are here given. The list may not be entirely correct, although it has been published twice in the Winfield Courier and all known errors corrected. The roll is an honor to our people and will be preserved among the archives of the College and the donors held in grateful remembrance:

Arrowsmith, J.W. $ 50.00
Axtell, T. F. 15.00
Armstrong, Ben 5.00
Arment, A. B. 100.00
Asp, H. E. 100.00
Albright & Co. 100.00
Bull, F. H. 30.00
Buckman, G. H. 30.00
Baird, A. E. 25.00
Bangs, A. C. 16.70
Bedilion. E. S. 50.00
Bowen, Frank. 25.00
Bowman, J. H. 8.35
Bullen, J. H. 250.00
Briggs, C. A. 3.35
Brothers, D. J. 3.35
Braniger, F. L. 100.00
Brown & Son 175.00
Beard, V. A. 25.00
Barnes, J. H. 11.67
Bliss, E. S. 100.00
Bliss, C. A. 100.00
Blackman, F. D. 25.00
Beach, D. C. 100.00
Bliss & Wood 100.00
Baden, J. P. 100.00
Balliett, J. F. 25.00
Burney, J. H. 50.00
Beaver, D. E. 35.00
Caton. W. B. 50.00
Chaffee, M. N. 16.70
Courier Band 50.00
Corson, Jos 100.00
Covert, T. S. 8.35
Croco, P. C. 33.34
Corker, J. W. 3.35
Cochran, W. J. 25.00
Cowley News 20.00
Cochran, Ed 13.30
Crippen, G. H. 125.00
Crane, J. W. 25.00
College Hill Town Co. 11,500.00
Cure, Sid 8.00
Chase, S. H. 8.33
Clark, S. 10.00
Carter, J. W. 6.70
Dawson, A. 10.00
Denning, W. 25.00
Dickey, Allie 10.00
Dawson, W. H. 60.00
Douglass, J. W. 8.35
Dix, D. H. 35.00
Dresser, G. H. 50.00
Davis, N. G. 25.00
Dressie, N. W. 10.00
Eaton, T. J. 25.00
Ewart,, M. H. 25.00
Emerson, G. 30.00
Ferguson, Cal 25.00
Friend, F. M. 25.00
Frew, D. W. 100.00
Fuller, D. P. 1.00
Fahnestock, J. M. 10.00
Farmer, M. W. 5.00
Frazier, C. J. 8.35
Franzee, F. M. 6.00
Fuller, H. G. 100.00
Fuller, J. C. 500.00
Fisher, H. N. 5.00
G. A. R. Fund 45.00
Gary, S. G. 25.00
Gale & Wilber 50.00
Garvin, J. B. 10.00
Gilbert, C. J. 25.00
Graham, Lizzie 100.00
Gridley, A. Jr. 60.00
Graham, T. M. 50.00
Gridley, Emma 15.00
Grow, W. H. 15.00
Group, F. H. 8.35
Garver, M. J. 10.00
Greer, Ed P. 200.00
Gardner, J. P. 15.00
Goldsmith, H. 50.00
Green, C. C. 18.00
Headrick, Geo. 25.00
Hopkins, A. F. 25.00
Herpich, A. 25.00
Hunt, F. C. 15.00
Holmes & Son. 100.00
Holloway, S. S. 50.00
Hackney, W. P. 200.00
Harrod, T. H. 15.00
Hepler, S. J. 10.00
Hudson, R. 25.00
Harris, T. J. 10.00
Hudson, John 10.00
Hudson, Geo 15.00
Harris. W. L. 8.33
Holmes, J. B. 25.00
Hendricks, A. D. 100.00
Honnold, B. W. 35.00
Heitzler, E. N. 16.60
Jennings, A. H. 500.00
Jennings, F. S. 300.00
Jennings. S. H. 510.00
Jordon, James 150.00
Jolly, J.A. 2.00
Johnson, T. J. 50.00
Johnson, W. O. 25.00
John J. W. 100.00
Johnson, A. P. 51.00
 Johnson, H. G. 10.00
Journey, A. M. 10.00
Jamieson, W. E. 15.00
Jamieson, A. 35.00
Johnson H. J. 10.00
Kelley, B. 60.00
Kennedy, W. J. 50.00
King, J. L. 33.30
Kleeman, S. 50.00
Kelly, W. B. 8.35
Lundy, Mrs. W. J. 10.50
Lowe, Samuel 100.00
Laycock, D. R. 20.00
Linn, S. S. 100.00
Limerick, A. H. 33.35
Lee, W. A. 50.00
Larimer, Thos 8.00
Lower, Hoffman 150.00
Lorton, James 10.00
Limbocker, W. W. 50.00
Linn, W. H. 10.00
Leggett, Robert 8.30
Lacey, W. F. M. 13.35
Millspaugh, J. W. 2.00
Myers, T. B. 33.35
Mann, J. S. 100.00
McMullen, J. F. 15.00
McFadden, B. 16.70
Martin, E. C. 1.60
McCollom, D. B. 30.00
McMullen, E. J. 10.00
Mellville, W. H. 35.00
Metzger, Wm. 5.55
McDonald, W. R. 200.00
Morehouse, W. L. 100.00
Mullen, W. L. 16.70
Marsh, S. R. 5.00
Mentch, J. 50.00
Mount, E. S. 2.00
McDowell,F. A. 20.00
Millington, D. A. 110.00
Moore, H. P. 50.00
McIntire, G. H. 25.00
Myton, Thompson and Friends 10,000.00
M. E. Church 1,100.00
Nelson, E. F. 15.00
Nipp, J. B. 120.00
Prather, J. W. 30.00
Pierce, C. C. 25.00
Pickens, F. M. 87.18
Powers, N. M. 26.65
Platter, Mrs. 100.00
Pugh, M.C. 5.00
Pryor, J. D. 24.00
Pate, Ed. 25.00
Park, S. B. 50.00
Pickerin, J. C. 28.66
Polk, A. V. 8.33
Rembaugh, G. C. 25.00
Roberts, W. D. 50.00
Randall, I. W. 25.00
Rowland, J. C. 5.00
Ray, F. V. 8.33
Ray, A. 60.00
Reynolds, E. M. 250.00
Reynolds, H. C. 8.35
Rogers, S. H. 50.00
Ruby, J. W. 50.00
Roberts, J. C. 8.33
Rothrock, J. S. 10.00
Rinker, G. L. 100.00
Sensensy, J. 5.00
Shivvers, H. T. 60.00
Silliman, H. E. 25.00
Sipe, Philip 25.00
Sherraro, D. S. 16.70
Stalter, John 36.35
Stafford, G. 15.00
Smith, S. C. 25.00
Sorrey, J. H. 25.00
Scothorp, G. W. 30.00
Soward, T. H. 125.00
Tonkinson, D. 10.00
Tribby, Jesse 6.00
Turner, W. H. 6.65
Thirsk, R. T. 25.00
Troup, M. G. 200.00
Thompson, J. W. 3.35
Taggart, Robert 25.00
Tomlin, H. L. 10.00
Tomlin, J. H. 30.00
Torrance, E. S. 200.00
Weakley, F. 10.00
Williams, L. 10.00
Williams, L. M. 30.00
Waite, R. B. 100.00
Wright, W. O. 100.00
Wilson, D. 5.00
Warnock, R. A. 10.00
Wright, W. T. 100.00
Whiting, Col. 100.00
Wilson, W. J. 25.00
Wood, W. 15.00
Wilson, R. S. 50.00
Wells, H. L. 5.00
Wilson, A. G. 8.34
Wallace, G. C. 100.00
Webb, L. H. 25.00
Yocum, M. L. 16.70
Yeoman, R. J. 9.00
Zook, Mrs. 12.50


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