Why Communication?


Why study Communication?

As our world continues to become increasingly connected, communication and media professionals are faced with new challenges every day. Southwestern’s Communication degree program empowers students to navigate this ever-changing media landscape. As a Communication major at SC, you will rise to meet these needs through creative problem solving, adaptability, and the technological agility required to communicate in a digital media world. Leaving Southwestern with a degree in Communication will prepare you for a myriad of career options, including ones yet to emerge.

Southwestern Communication students grow to be influential communicators ready to embark on their chosen career path or graduate studies. The program balances communication and media studies with fundamental skills for working in media environments such as public relations, social media management, advertising, and content strategy. Students pursue their interests through traditional coursework, project-based learning, immersive learning experiences, and internships. At the same time, graduates of SC’s Communication program leave with a keen awareness of the impact of communication and media in shaping society on a global and local level.

Students work closely with their advisors and faculty members to create a pathway to success in the field of Communication. The communication major at SC allows students to hone in on their interests and develop skills through carefully chosen coursework, as well as having the freedom to pursue a minor in a related field. Graduates of Southwestern’s Communication program will leave with not only a deep well of knowledge and in-demand skills but also a body of work tailored to their career or graduate interests. 

Career Potential
  • Producer
  • Management
  • Broadcasting
  • Media Critic
  • Public Relations
  • Media Planning
  • Script Writer
  • Social Media Manager
  • Digital Strategist
  • Journalism
  • Marketing/Advertising
  • Strategic Communication
  • Non-Profits
  • Campaign Management
  • Brand Management
  • Talent Management
  • Sales/Account Executive
  • Government 
  • Academia
  • Law
Academic Information


Speech and Theatre Education

What is Speech and Theatre Education?

With current economic uncertainty, education is always a solid career choice. Although schools are undergoing budget cuts and many programs face uncertainty, this major offers students the opportunity to be prepared in multiple extracurricular programs. Several years ago the Kansas Department of Education merged the Speech and Theatre certification programs into one certification area. However, the student who certifies to teach in this area is prepared to teach: Debate, Forensics, Media, Newspaper, and Theatre. Therefore, the program is rigorous and intense, but students will be well prepared for teaching at large public school programs in one area, or versatile enough to cover all areas in a small school that asks students to be multi-focused.

Academic Information


Minor Areas of Study

Why a Communications Minor?

A minor in Communication is always a good idea. Communication is the foundation for all careers and good communication skills are always in high demand. Our communication minor allows students to take a variety of courses in the division and tailor courses to best fit with any major on campus.

Additional minor areas of study:


Build an education.

Build an education.

Academic excellence sets SC apart.

36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.