Course Descriptions

HONR111H Play 

An interdisciplinary exploration on the concept and importance of play through extensive reading and discussion. Students will engage with a wide variety of source material including essays, research papers, podcasts and works of art. Topics will include looking at human play throughout history and other cultures, animal play, the role of play in human psychological development and the importance of play within the creative process. Students will create study materials for additional course topics of their choosing, acting as leaders for class discussions. Students will construct and implement a community service project that embraces some of the key themes uncovered during the semester. Prerequisite: Honors Program Scholar or Consent of Instructor. Credit 3 hours.

HONR155H Interdisciplinary Topics Course 

An interdisciplinary exploration of a broad topic through reading and discussion. Students will engage with a wide variety of source material including essays, research papers, podcasts, and works of art. Students are expected to actively participate in weekly discussions on different topics within the overarching semester subject. Students will also create study materials for additional course topics, acting as leaders for class discussions. Students will construct and implement a community service project that embraces some of the key themes uncovered during the semester. Prerequisite: Honors Program Scholar or Consent of Instructor. Credit 3 hours. May be repeated for credit. 

HONR206H Leadership and Ethical Worldviews 

Study of proactive thought, personal and group visioning, ethics, and areas of personal leadership self-assessment will be covered. Facilitating group process and giving and receiving constructive criticism will be emphasized during the class time. Prerequisite: Honors Program Scholar or Consent of Instructor. Credit 3 hours. 

HONR310H Service Learning Travel 

This course will provide students an immersive introduction to an unfamiliar culture through the process of travel. Students will explore the question of contextual influences in a cross-cultural setting. Students will read materials, observe and experience contextual elements specific to culture. Students will be required to demonstrate learning through reflective writing and visually-enhanced journaling. Prerequisite: Honors Program Scholar or Consent of Instructor. Credit 3 hours. May be repeated for credit. 

HONR410H Senior Honors Thesis/Project 

This course provides engagement in a student-centered, interdisciplinary learning experience that serves as a capstone experience for students in the Honors Program. Each individual student will design, research and write an original thesis paper on their chosen topic. Prerequisite: Honors Program Scholar or Consent of Instructor. In addition, students must have their Honors Thesis/Project proposal approved prior to enrolling in the course. Credit 3 hours.

*2024-2025 Course Catalog

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