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Beck Lecture: Dr. Susan Castro

2018-2019 Beck Lecture

Dr. Susan CastroDr. Susan Castro
Tuesday, April 2 (International Autism Day) | 4:00 p.m. | Wroten Hall

How to Treat Humanity: Autism and Moral Imagination

Dr. Susan Castro, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Wichita State University, specializes in Immanuel Kant’s peculiar moral imperative to act as if your maxim were to become, by your will, a universal law of nature--which she applies to questions concerning autism, human imagination, and natural science. While her research centers on Kant scholarship, it is also informed by current methods and trends in the natural sciences with an eye toward broad interdisciplinary connections. Currently, she is working on a book using Kant’s lectures on logic and other antecedent resources to better understand how to establish a metaphysics of morals as a non-empirical science. Castro regularly teaches classes on Late Modern Philosophy, Metaethics, Ethical Theory, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Feminism, Philosophy of the Arts, and Business Ethics. She is faculty co-sponsor of the WSU Philosophy Society, a student organization for anyone interested in philosophy.

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