
Southwestern College Dean of Education Serves on Kansas Blue Ribbon Task Force

Southwestern College Dean of Education Cameron Carlson recently completed service on the Kansas Commissioner of Education’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on teacher vacancies and supply. Carlson began his appointment in April 2016, serving as the representative of teacher preparation programs at private colleges and universities.

The group’s final report was published Aug. 8.

“Southwestern College’s strong faculty, well-respected programs, and outstanding graduates– as well as Prof. Carlson’s great work in the field of teacher preparation made him an excellent choice to serve on the task force,” said Brad Andrews, president of Southwestern College. 

Southwestern College offers a fully accredited education program which awards bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in education. Many Southwestern graduates choose to stay and teach in Kansas.

“Alumni of our undergraduate and graduate education programs teach in classrooms across the state and are receiving recognition for their outstanding work as educators,” said Carlson. 

Brent Wolf, who received both bachelor’s and doctorate of education degrees from Southwestern, was named one of eight Kansas Teacher of the Year finalists on Sept. 10. The state-wide winner will be named in November.

“It seems only fitting that I give back to the communities, the schools, and the state that gave so much to me,” Wolf said. “Teaching in Kansas can be challenging, but I find that the challenge inspires me to be better and I’m hopeful that positive changes are coming.”  

In the task force’s final report the group outlined strategies for both recruiting and retaining educators in an effort to curb the growing shortage of teachers in Kansas. The group recommended that the State Board of Education makes increasing the recruitment and retention of teachers be top priority. Additionally, recommendations for immediate action were made to the state legislature, Kansas State Department of Education, school districts, public and private teacher preparation programs and members of Kansas education organizations. Strategic interventions to be launched over the course of the next four years were outlined.  

“It’s a point of pride for our program that many Southwestern graduates choose to serve in Kansas communities, but as outlined in the recommendations made in the final report of the task force, a lot of work remains to be done to improve the perception of teaching in Kansas as an attractive career,” Carlson said.


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