
SC Ed Builders to Present Trunk-or-Treat on Sunday

The Southwestern College Education Builders are providing a safe place for area youth to gather on Sunday, Oct. 29.   The Education Builders are presenting the second annual Trunk-or-Treat in the keyhole drive located at the bottom of the 77 Steps.  There is no admission charge.  The event is scheduled for 6 to 7 p.m.

According to member Karrie McNutt, Ed Builders is an SC education organization that strives to do as many projects as possible to benefit children of all ages.  The Trunk-or-Treat will consist of decorated vehicles parked near the bottom of the 77 Steps and children and their families will be able to walk through and vote on their favorite one.

“This was all started so that children in Cowley County could experience a fun and safe environment to trick-or-treat for the Halloween season, along with getting to interact with enthusiastic college students ready to put a smile on a child's face,” McNutt says.  “With between 10 and 15 on-campus SC organizations, clubs, and sports teams participating, this event is a great way to boost youth involvement at SC and give these children someone to look up to.”   


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