
Faculty and Staff Honored at Southwestern

Outstanding faculty and staff were recognized at Southwestern College by the college’s board of trustees.  Awards were presented Friday, April 26, for outstanding service to the college, and 18 employees were honored for years of service.

Presented were the Fassnacht Outstanding Administrator/Staff Award to Tad Humphrey, telecommunications specialist, and the Fassnacht Outstanding Faculty Award to Kurt Keiser, professor of business and the business division chair.

Awards for years of service were also presented for:

  • 30 years: Dawn Pleas, Terry Quiett, and Rodney Worsham
  • 20 years: Misty Terrell
  • 15 years: Lonnie Boyd, Matt O’Brien, Stephannie DeLong, Jimmy Tagg, and Tad Humphrey
  • 10 years: Michael Beardslee, Anthony Gropper, Jason Haunschild, and Mark Whitener
  • 5 years: Allyson Allen, Shannon Grose, Reggie Jarrell, James McSorley, and Trevor Strong.
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