Course Descriptions

ENG 110 College Writing 1 

A writing intensive course that considers the rhetorical strategies and issues of the different disciplines. Integration of varied modes of communication: oral, written, and technological. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 112 Beyond Google 

This course is designed to introduce a framework form which students will develop critical thinking and information literacy skills. The concepts that will be addressed include the value of information, research as inquiry, searching as strategic exploration, recognizing the authority of sources, information creation as a process, plagiarism, and scholarship as conversation. Credit 1 hour. 

ENG 120 College Writing 2 

A writing intensive course stressing research methods across the disciplines. Emphasis on different methodologies used in a variety of fields, including social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG 110. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 202 Introduction to Literary Studies 

Emphasizes literature as a source of pleasure and knowledge about human experience while investigating and practicing techniques of reading, responding to, writing about and enjoying stories. Examines some of the best works in English, American, and World literature and considers imagery, characterization, narration, and patterns in sound and sense. This course considers stories in all narrative forms. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 203 Literature and the Environment 

Examines a selection of literary works from the perspective of current thinking about environmental issues. The works examined portray a variety of interactions between people and environments, and readings will be informed by some key works in recent environmental theory. The course will examine the ways in which literature both reflects and helps to shape environmental attitudes and awareness. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 204 Literature and the Arts 

Considers a variety of literary texts from the Renaissance to the present, and explores the interactions and mutual influences between literature and visual works of art. From Shakespeare to Sin City, and from Gothic Fiction to Memento, this course examines literature, graphic novels, painting, and cinema, to reveal the complex web of interactions between them. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 213 Survey of English Literature 

Study of major English texts from the beginnings of English literature to the present. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 220 Interactive Story Telling 

This course explores “live” story creation and oral delivery for interaction with live audiences, or as a model for interactive media such as computer games. Particular emphasis will be placed upon character-based (as opposed to plot-based) story creation and identifying parallels to the theory and practice of written stories. Traditional and emerging means for accomplishing successful interactivity will be explored. Cross-listed with Communication. Credit 3 hours 

ENG 280 Digital Literacy 

A survey class in which different digital forms of writing and composing will be explored, analyzed, and applied. The continuity between images, text, audio, and video will be studied in order to provide a scholarly framework for multimodal communication encountered in daily life. This course develops the skills and analytical thinking necessary to compose and circulate different digital documents. Students will convey creative, well- researched, carefully crafted, and attentively written information through digital platforms and multimodal documents. This course promotes digital writing and research, as well as competence in digital rhetoric. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 227 Survey of American Literature 

Readings in American literature from the Colonial era through the present. Selections read in the course reflect the cultural and intellectual diversity of American literature. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 230 Culture in Context 

An examination of the literary, linguist, philosophical and artistic artifacts of selected ancient and modern cultures and subcultures at critical periods in history. Through reading primary and secondary sources, and examining cultural artifacts (music, visual art, dance, drama) and active classroom debate, students will learn about selected cultures and their cultural structures. The goal of this study is to gain insight into other cultures as agents of action and to provide students with the means and methods to understand the interrelations within and among cultural, sub-cultural and global communities. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 299 Literary Theory and Criticism 

Introduction to a variety of theoretical approaches, including classical and contemporary texts. Considers the historical conflicts and issues of theory. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 325 The Renaissance 

An examination of representative documents reflecting the origin and spread of Renaissance practices and ideals from Italy through England and into Northern Europe, including an introduction to Shakespearean study. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 328 Young Adult Literature 

Study of literature for grades 6-12 with overall focus on literary analysis and interpretation. Literary themes and social issues pertinent to this age group will be considered, with a particular emphasis on the selection and evaluation of literature for upper-elementary and middle school grades. Study will also focus on the integration of literature and writing as a part of the secondary English curriculum through the middle grades and beyond. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 330-337-343-348 Creative Writing Sequence 

Includes 330 Short Story, 337 Poetry, 343 Playwriting, and 348 Novella. Emphasis is placed on writing, editing, and evaluating the student’s own prose or poetry. Courses may also include reading of traditional, contemporary, and experimental forms of fiction and poetry. Credit 3 hours per course. 

ENG 335 Survey of World Literature 

A Study of European and non-European literature in translation. Will focus on classical as well as contemporary texts in translation. The traditional genres of drama, poetry, short story, and novel will be examined. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 340 Language: Structure and Meaning 

A history of the English language and basic information about analysis and description of human languages and ways in which human beings use their languages to communicate with one another. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 341 18th and 19th Century Literature 

Through readings of novels, drama, poetry, and prose from the 18th and 19th centuries, this course will examine the (dis)continuities among different literary forms through time. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 347 Mythology and Literature 

A critical study of the structure and function of mythology in various cultures of the world. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 349 20th and 21st Century Literature 

A critical study of the development of new literary forms during the 20th century and those emerging in the 21st century. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 359C/D Tesserae Practicum 

Students gain hands-on experience in the publishing world by working on a publishing project, an issue of Tesserae: A Mosaic of Voices, the English online journal. Students will work on designing, writing, and publishing content, as well as seeking and editing the submissions. At the end of the course, the issue of the online journal will be officially published and students have a real world publication and editorial experience for their resumes. May be repeated. Credit 1 hour. 

ENG 425-427-429-430 Literary Genre Block 

Includes 425 Short Story, 427 Genre: Poetry, 429 The Novel, and 430 Drama. One course in a literary genre is taught each semester. Credit 3 hours per course. 

ENG 426 Professional Writing 

Professional writing combines the study and practice of rhetoric in a variety of academic and professional contexts. It includes the study of rhetorical theory and how it functions in various forms of written discourse and the various rhetorical situations involved (for example, purpose, audience, stance, genre, and medium). Processes taught include collaboration and problem solving, and case study analysis. In addition, it considers the use of both traditional forms of written communication and emerging media; the study of employment-related communication forms; and the skills needed for the writing professional in various forms of employment. Prerequisites: ENG 110, ENG 120, and COMM102. Credit 3 hours. 

ENG 440 Major Authors and Movements Block 

Each semester a major author or a literary movement will be studied in depth. Examples are: Tolkien, Austen, McCarthy, Faulkner, Steinbeck, Conrad, or Atwood; the Victorian, Modernist, or the Romantic Movement. Credit 3 hours. May be repeated for credit. 

ENG 445 Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction 

Study of the multi-genre domain of writings that share the characteristics of literature, creative writing, and exposition. Students will practice a variety of forms that may include memoir, many forms of the essay, sports and travel writing, popular science and history, and literary (“new”) journalism. Different domains will be covered on a rotating basis. Credit 3 hours. May be repeated for credit. 

ENG 447 Creative Writing: Genre Fiction

Course will cover a genre such as: historical fiction, crime fiction, science fiction, or fantasy. Students will produce, edit, and evaluate their own writing within a specified genre. The course will also include the reading and analysis of representative texts in the genre. Different genres will be offered on a rotating basis. Credit 3 hours. May be repeated for credit. 

ENG 454A/B Senior Project in English 

Working with a faculty advisor, the student will design, execute, and manage a project involving literary research, pedagogical studies, professional writing, or creative writing. This course will provide students with preparation for graduate school and/or the professional writing/teaching environment. Credit 1.5 hours. 

*2024-2025 Course Catalog

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