Upcoming Events

Maggie Dunning Senior Project

Maggie Dunning is a senior on the Leadership team this year. Maggie's project focuses on getting adults to engage their inner child to rediscover their passions in life and children ages 5-10 to reaffirm their self-identity so that they have the confidence to do anything and be anyone they want.

There will be three workshops people can attend. The 1st is for adults with no children only on April 2nd from 9 to 12:30.

The 2nd is for adults who have children ages 5 to 10. Adults who bring children must stay and do the workshop. It will be on April 9th from 9 to 12:30.

The third is for adults without children and adults with children ages 5 to 10. Adults who bring children must stay and complete the workshop. It will be on April 16th from 9 to 12:30.

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