
Southwestern College Freshman Work Day Big Success

Southwestern College freshmen concluded their orientation to the college and Winfield by participating in the 26th annual Freshman Work Day on Sunday, Aug. 12.

Frosh Work Day groupNearly 200 freshman, Leadership Southwestern students and other student leaders joined SC staff, faculty, and administrators working around Winfield at 18 sites to help homeowners and non-profits in service work. This combined effort yielded more than 1,000 service hours and an estimated value of $28,364 donated to the Winfield community. 

Legacy Foundation donated to the day by helping give every student a Freshman Work Day t-shirt.

Frosh work day single“On this 26th Freshman Work Day students were asked to think about the concept of neighboring and what it means to be a good neighbor in a community as they are now a part of the Southwestern and Winfield communities,” says Brae Wood, director of Leadership Southwestern.  “Reflection at the end of the day gave students a great chance to talk about their experience. Many best moments centered around the students getting to know the homeowners they were painting or working for. Southwestern and the service learning teams will continue to work on the concept of ‘neighboring’ throughout the year.”


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