Upcoming Concerts

Spring Concert "Sacred Spaces" | A Cappella Choir & SC Singers

A Cappella Choir presents the Spring Concert

Sacred Spaces

The choirs of Southwestern College will present their spring concert, “Sacred Spaces,” on Sunday, April 21 at 7 p.m., in Richardson Performing Arts Center. This concert is free to the public and has been underwritten by the generosity of Dr. Marilyn L McNeish.

Sacred Spaces Concert PosterThe concert program offers a time to pause and consider what it means to hold a space sacred.

“The music speaks to sacred spaces that are constructed, the sacred space of the natural world around us, and the sacred space that exists between persons,” says Simon Hill, director of choral activities and voice at Southwestern College.  “The program concludes with the question of what is required of us to maintain these spaces and what our role in restoring sacred space, land, and relations might look like. This program does not offer answers but, like prayer, hopes to inspire reflection that leads to action. These perspectives are shared through repertoire representative of various faith and cultural traditions while featuring eight languages and a broad span of musical styles.”

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