Application for Graduation

Application for Degree

Students who plan to graduate must complete a graduation application by deadlines listed below. Students must declare all degrees, majors, and minors, on this form.

To apply for graduation complete the application for degree.



This form needs to be filled out as early as possible in the semester of expected graduation, with deadlines as follows:

Fall: October 1  
Spring: April 1 
Summer: July 1 

Applicants for graduation must review their academic progress with their advisor and confirm they will fulfill all course, GPA, and hour requirements (click here for requirements for graduation) for the degree and major as outlined in the catalog. Once requirements have been fulfilled and verified, the Registrar's Office will post the degree with the established graduation date of May, August, or December.

There is no fee for applying.

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36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.