
Homecoming on the Range 2023Homecoming 2023
October 15-22, 2023

Homecoming 2023 Student Activities

Sunday, October 15

Pep Rally • 9:30 pm - 11 pm • Stewart Field House

Monday, October 16

Dress-Up Theme • Wild West

Mum Making • 11 am - 1 pm • Java Jinx

Cornhole • 6 pm • Wallingford Lawn

Tuesday, October 17

Dress-Up Theme • Pink Out

Handprints • 11 am - 1 pm • Campus Life

Country Spelling Bee • 7 pm • Java Jinx

Wednesday, October 18

Dress-Up Theme • Jersey Day

Spiritual Pep Assembly Chapel • 11 am • Grove

Dodgeball • 7:30 pm • Stewart Field House

Free Movie Night • 9:30 pm/Doors • Cowley Cinema 8

Thursday, October 19

Dress-Up Theme • 90s Day

Pie & Cobbler Wars • 11 am - 1 pm • Java Jinx

Lip Sync Battle • 7 pm • Messenger

Friday, October 20

Dress-Up Theme • SC Day

Banner Decoration Judging • 11 am - 1 pm • Java Jinx

Parade Float Night • 5 pm • Keyhole Drive

The Masque of Beauty & the Beast • 7:30 pm • RPAC

Saturday, October 21

Parade • 9:30 am • Warren Avenue

Block Party • 10 am • Wallingford Lawn

Football Game • 1:30 pm • Jantz Stadium

Homecoming Coronation • 2:30 pm • Jantz Stadium

Women’s Soccer • 5:30 pm • Jantz Stadium

The Masque of Beauty & the Beast • 7:30 pm • RPAC

Men’s Soccer • 8 pm • Jantz Stadium

Sunday, October 22

Homecoming Worship • 10:50 am • Grace UMC

The Masque of Beauty & the Beast • 2 pm • RPAC


*Denotes official Homecoming activities included in the competition. Student groups MUST register to participate in these activities.

Homecoming Events & Registration

Sweepstakes Competition

Homecoming Sweepstakes is a timed honored tradition of Southwestern College hosted by The Office of Campus Life.  This year, Student Government Association is organizing events and will provide financial means for all participating groups.  Any group submitting entry forms for ALL Homecoming activities designated below will be able to compete for the Homecoming Sweepstakes.  More details and the registration form below:

Sweepstakes Registration

Cupcake Wars

EVENT DESCRIPTION: The SC Cupcake Wars is a Homecoming battle that challenges each team to use their originality to come up with the most unique and delicious cupcake. Each organization will be judged on their originality and presentation of any kind of cupcake of their choice, which uses the homecoming theme “LEVEL UP" 

IMPORTANT DATES: Participants are to be in the Java Jinx with their baked cupcakes display ready and prepared for judging by NOON, Thursday, October 28th.

MATERIALS: $25.00 will be provided to the organization to supplement the cost of materials and ingredients. 


  1. The creation must be classified as cupcakes.
  2. The cupcakes may not be store-bought, but store-bought ingredients can be modified to fit the recipe
  3. Only one piece of your cupcake will be tasted by each judge (plan for four (4) judges.)
  4. Any participants handling food must wear gloves.
  5. The baked goods should also be sampled by anyone at the event interested in trying your creation/recipe after judging so you must make a decent portion.
  6. Provide a recipe card at your table for the judges to view.

DISQUALIFICATIONS: Teams may be disqualified from the competition for the following reasons:

  1. If the judges decide the dish to be completely or mostly “store-bought” (judges determine this rule)
  2. The dessert creation is determined un-edible.
  3. If the display is not related to the homecoming theme 

JUDGING: Judges for the Cupcake Wars contest will be looking at each entry for the following qualities rated on:

  • Taste 20 points
  • Incorporating Homecoming Theme 10 points
  • Originality of Design 10 points

 TOTAL 50 points

SWEEPSTAKES SCORING: Total points received by each group in SC Cupcake Wars on the above basis will be awarded with the below designated sweepstakes points:

 1st Place 100 points
2nd Place 75 points
3rd Place 50 points

Cupcake Wars Registration

SC Spelling Bee

EVENT DESCRIPTION: Get your name tags and finger pens ready for the SC Spelling Bee! Each organization has the opportunity to submit a maximum of two persons to compete in this event. Each participant will be given a word at which they must spell correctly to move on to the next round. The competition will conclude when one speller is remained.

DATE: Monday, October 25th, @ 11-1pm in the Java Jinx

DIVISIONS: Each team can have up to 2 people compete in the spelling bee. The member must be a full-time SC student.

DISQUALIFICATIONS: If any contestant is caught using any outside source such as an electronic device or the audience, they will be disqualified and removed from the competition. 

SWEEPSTAKES SCORING: Points received by each team in the various events on the above basis will be totaled for each.    

1st Place 100 points
2nd Place 75 points
3rd Place 50 points

SC Spelling Bee Registration

Trivia Night

EVENT DESCRIPTION: Trivia consists of 10 rounds; 10 questions per round, plus a bonus question for those teams playing the balloon game. Correct spelling on the answer sheets is not always required; however, the judges must be able to recognize your answers. Each question has only one correct answer.

DATE: Monday, October 28th, @ 8pm in the Library

DIVISIONS: Each team can have up to 4 people compete in Trivia. The member must be a full-time SC student.

DISQUALIFICATIONS: If any contestant is caught using any outside source such as an electronic device or the audience, they will be disqualified and removed from the competition.

SWEEPSTAKES SCORING: Points received by each team in the various events on the above basis will be totaled for each.

1st Place 100 points
2nd Place 75 points
3rd Place 50 points

Kickball Tournament

EVENT DESCRIPTION: Hey batter batter, hey batter batter SWING!! Wait no... Wrong sport. Create a team and work your way through the tournament bracket until one team is left standing and announced the winner. The event will be held at the Soccer Fields. In case of inclement weather, the event will be moved to inside Stewart Fieldhouse for a dodgeball                                                                  tournament, where the same rules apply.

DATE: Monday, October 25th, @ 9:30pm, Jantz Stadium 

DIVISIONS: Maximum of 12 players per team with a minimum of 4 players of the opposite sex.

At least 8 players must be present to start the game or the team forfeits.                                                

 All team members must be a full-time SC student. NO PERSON MAY BE ON MORE THAN ONE TEAM.

DISQUALIFICATIONS: Participating groups may be disqualified in the event of:

  1. Not following rules assigned by the referees of Kickball.
  2. Unsportsmanlike conduct of any member(s) or participating guest students.
  3. Individuals competing on more than one participating team.
  4. Any team or group not having the appropriate amount of members (8-12) to participate in the competition.

SWEEPSTAKES SCORING: Points received by each team in the various events on the above basis will be totaled for each.                     

1st Place 100 points
2nd Place 75 points
3rd place 50 points

Kickball Tournament Registration

Homecoming Parade

EVENT DESCRIPTION: The Homecoming Parade is an honored Homecoming tradition at SC.  SC groups, alumni and the Winfield Community all participate in the event.  Floats, cars, bikes, motorcycles, etc. have all been part of the Parade festivities.  The Parade takes place on Main Street, moving north beginning on 15thStreet and ending on 10th Street.

DATE: Saturday, October 30th at 9:00 a.m. on Main Street.  Line up begins at 8:30 a.m.

MATERIALS: $100.00 will be provided to the organization to supplement the cost of materials.

REQUIREMENTS: Groups participating in the Parade must abide by the following requirements:

  1. Groups may only submit one Parade entry.  Entries may include a float, car, walkers, wagons, and bikes.
  2. You do not need to include all members of your group in the parade. Use as many members as needed.  There are no requirements for number of participants.
  3. The official Parade line-up will be made available by Thursday October 28th at 5:00 p.m. from the Office of Campus Life (1st floor Student Center) and via email to participants
  4. All participating groups must be in the Parade line-up ready to begin no later than 8:50 a.m.  The Parade line up begins on 15th street facing west.
  5. All Parade entries in Sweepstakes should be related to the SC Homecoming theme.

DISQUALIFICATIONS: Groups will be disqualified in the event of the following:

  1. The use of racial, sexual, religious or otherwise offensive gestures or language as determined by the Homecoming Parade Chair and/or judges.
  2. Not being in the Parade line-up by 8:50 a.m.

JUDGING: Judging of the Parade entries will occur as follows:

The judging panel will be selected by the Homecoming Committee.

Points will be awarded to each group as follows, 4 places will be awarded according to the total score of each group:

  • ENTHUSIASM 30 points
  • CREATIVITY 30 points
  • USE OF THEME 40 points
  • TOTAL 100 points

SWEEPSTAKES SCORING: Total points received by each team in the Parade on the above basis will be awarded with the following designated sweepstakes points:

1st Place 100 points
2nd Place 75 points
3rd Place 50 points        

Extra Points: An organization can receive 5 Extra points for the most creative float/spirit vehicle during the homecoming parade that fully embraces the homecoming

Lip Sync Battle

EVENT DESCRIPTION: Lip Sync your heart out in this event during SC Homecoming Week! Similar to the SPIKE TV show “Lip Sync,” organizations have to opportunity to battle each other with their lip syncing abilities. Two organizations will be selected to battle, and the winning organization will move on to the next round. Please submit 8 song selections to be approved by Tuesday, October, 19th with the Homecoming packet. Songs can include the words related to the Homecoming theme.

DATE: Monday, October 26 @ 8 pm in RPAC

DIVISIONS: Organizations can choose up to 7 members to participate.

All team members and guest students must be full-time SC students who are in good standing at Southwestern College. NO PERSON MAY BE ON MORE THAN ONE TEAM.

DISQUALIFICATIONS: Participating groups may be disqualified in the event of:

  1. Using explicit language, movements, gestures, or dress/costumes.
  2. Individuals competing on more than one participating team.
  3. Going over the minute and a half time limit that was given.

Judges Criteria: What every team will be judged on during the competition 

  1. Lip Sync Abilities: How well can the performer(s) lip sync the song.
  2. Creativity: How original and creative the performance is. Be Creative!! (i.e. includes props, costumes etc.)
  3. Stage Presence & Choreography: Don’t just stand there move around, smile and         make eye contact with the judges. Be sure to include everyone on your team (no one gets left behind)                                         

SWEEPSTAKES SCORING: Points received by each team in the various events on the above basis will be totaled for each. 

1st Place 100 points
2nd Place 75 points
3rd place 50 point

Lip Sync Battle Registration

Level Up Window Decorating

EVENT DESCRIPTION: Each organization will decorate a designated window in the Java Jinx to support Southwestern College, your organization, and the Homecoming theme “LEVEL UP”. 

DATE: The decoration process will START Sunday, October 24th, and will end on Friday, October 29th at 11:59 a.m., your captain will receive an email when money for window supplies may be picked up from the Campus Life Office

Judging will begin Friday, October 29 at noon.

REQUIREMENTS: Assigned spaces will be designated by a paper labeling the appropriate window.

  1. The window must be completed by 11:59.a.m. Friday, October 29th, (judging will begin at 12:00 p.m.)
  2. A representative from the organization or group can be present at the time of judging.
  3. The window must support the Homecoming theme of “Level up”
  4. Each organization must confine decorating to its assigned place.
  5. All windows will be displayed throughout Homecoming Week. Everything must be taken down/picked up by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 2. If any trash or debris is not removed by this deadline, the organization will be subject to fine.

MATERIALS: $25 will be provided to cover the cost of materials used to decorate the appropriate window.

DISQUALIFICATIONS: Windows will be disqualified for each of the following reasons:

  1. Profanity.
  2. Use of any design that is racially, sexually, religiously, or otherwise offensive as determined by the contest judges.
  3. Incomplete or unpresentable work as determined by the contest judges
  4. Does not follow the homecoming theme of the Year.

JUDGING: Judges for the Windows contest will be looking at each entry for the following qualities rates in a scale of 1 to 10 for each category.                                  

  • Requirements/use of space 10 points
  • Originality 10 points
  • Color/creativity 10 points
  • Use of the Homecoming theme 10 points
  • Craftsmanship/durability 10 points
  • TOTAL 50 points

SWEEPSTAKES SCORING: Total points received by each group on the above basis will be awarded with the below designated sweepstakes points:

1st Place 100 points
2nd Place 75 points
3rd Place 50 points

Coronation: Homecoming Queen and King 

Presented by SGA

Event Description: Student Government Association will host Coronation, which is the Homecoming Queen and King competition.  Nominees are selected by each participating organization and the student body will vote to see who Homecoming Royalty is. A second vote will take place to determine the Homecoming King and Queen.  Royalty Court and Winners will be honored at the Homecoming Football game.

Each of the two nominees selected by their group must complete and submit the registration form to be eligible to represent their group.

More details on registration form below:

Coronation Nominee Registration

Level Up for Service - 2021 Homecoming Service Project

Let us know you are in the competition for points by replying to the following questions and turning this in with your homecoming packet.

Who is your group?
Who are you helping?
What will you do?
How many in your group will participate?
How long will you volunteer?

Text a photo (620-260-5858) of your group doing service work in October by Thursday Oct. 28th  The photo must include 1) group doing the service 2) the person who represents the group you did the service for or something that identifies the group/person you are helping 3) someone holding a sign that shows the date of the service

The service-learning council will award the points and submit to STUFU by Friday Oct. 29th at Noon.

One group, who exemplifies the Homecoming theme in their service- will be awarded double points.

Pick your own service or here’s one idea 

Cowley Co has a Q-Box (Quarantine Box) program we started late last year as part of our CARES funding in response to the pandemic. The boxes contain food and commodities meant for those that need to be quarantined either pending test results or after testing positive. For details on the contents, you can see that here:

Our goal with these boxes is to simply get them into the hands of our citizens that need them. Everyone has been impacted by the pandemic in at least one way. 

Basically, I’m looking for interested groups of volunteers to help me assemble the boxes. I have a location, supplies and personal protection needed for the volunteers. I need the bodies to help me do it. We purchased enough items to make and distribute 10,000 boxes. To date, we’ve made just over 5,200 and have given out nearly 4,900. We still have 4,800 more boxes to make and distribute. 

Our work groups are normally 8-12 people that work for 2 hours.

If your group want to do this, contact SC Alum Brian Stone, Director Cowley County Emergency Management 321 E. 10th Ave. ǀ Winfield, KS 67156 ǀ 620.221.0470

Homecoming Spirit Days

Event Description: Support your fellow builders by showing your Builder spirit during Homecoming Week!  

Date: Spirit Days during Homecoming Week are as follows:

Men’s Basketball vs* Bacone 7pm, Stewart Fieldhouse

Men's Basketball vs. Calvary 4pm, Stewart Field House
Women's Soccer vs. Kansas Wesleyan 6pm, Jantz Stadium
Volleyball vs McPherson 7pm, Stewart Fieldhouse
Men’s Soccer vs. Kansas Wesleyan 8:30pm, Hoodoo Park 

Football Homecoming Game vs. Sterling * 1pm Jantz Stadium 

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