CA$H Logo

NOTE: Southwestern has temporarily suspended this program due to lack of interest. (January 2022)

"The ultimate goal of the CA$H Program is to improve your economic situation and instill within you a long-term savings behavior."  Interfaith Housing Services, Inc.

CA$H is a 2:1 matching program where the participant can save up to $2,000 for college.  Their savings is then matched by funds from Interfaith Housing Services, Inc and the Kansas Independent Colleges Association with another $4,000 giving the participant a 200% return on their investment.

Current Income Guidelines

To Apply

To be nominated for the CA$H program, you must first meet income eligibility requirements.  Southwestern nominates students on an annual basis in the Spring semester.  Eligible applicants are ranked by financial need and submitted in the order that they apply.  If you feel that you qualiafy and would like to be nominated, download and complete the CA$H Program application (under Forms) and submit it to the Office of Financial Aid for approval.




Financial Literacy Education

  • Finding and Saving CA$H Training (6 hours) - Online
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